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    Both Greg and I have been in the "Healthy Water" business together for over 15 years. Myself coming from the "water"side and Greg from the "healthy" (health awareness) side. Each of us bring some special expertise to the company. 

Both personal health, and  water have been taken for granted for years. Basic health awareness has gotten a lift over the years by people like Greg and his partner Kim, at Gaia Wellness in Blenheim, by their ceaseless commitment to better health - nutritionally and physically.I, on the other hand came from the technical field of water treatment. I grew up in Kingsville , back in a time when nobody really had an opinion about the water. We drank the water that came to us - the town said it was safe. We didn't like the taste of the

Clay Campbell

O/P Choices4Water Windsor/Essex



Greg Foster

 Choices4Water Chatham/Kent



chlorine or the iron rust form the pipes but the Municipality said it was safe - so we drank it.

It took me years, as it did most, to realize the dangers of chlorine, lead, THM's, and now fluoride the we consume through our water.


However, now that we are able to extend our active lives by making concision well-informed decisions about our health, our water becomes  a very important agent in our quest for healthiness.


We now have choices  concerning our water - "Healthy Choices".


As we have seen the relevance of choosing how many calories we intake, we see also see the benefits of how much water we drink. And, more importantly, as we see the benefits to restricting or omitting certain foods like sugar, fats and salt we can now eliminate the unhealthy substances found in our drinking and bathing water. If we so desire, we can now choose "Healthy Water".


Greg and I are not preachers or high pressure salesmen, we were, and basically still are, like most of you, confronting health situations every day. With Greg it was how can I eat without eating too much salt, or sugar? How can I squeeze a little more exercise in my day. Mine wasn't quite as extreme, I just wanted a good cup of coffee. The healthy part came later - when I met Greg.


Together we have been advocates for healthy eating, healthy exercise and here, especially, "Healthy Water".

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Get Healthy Water

Call either Clay or Greg

Windsor/Essex - Call Clay Campbell 519-819-4451
Or, Email Your Questions or Concerns?

Thanks for submitting!

Chatham/Kent - Call Greg Foster 519-365-1350
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